Singing Man
JoinedTopics Started by Singing Man
How many of you are happy with doing the holidays?
by Singing Man ini like the holidays.
they give me something to look forward to besides the asembleys and memoral and the deer hunt.
and to heck with you jw's who come in here with your smug ways, why don't you try questioning a few things for a change you will be surprized with what you discover.
I never could belive in a little flock going to heven !!!!
by Singing Man ini never could believe mostly cause they can't tell you just how they know that they are being called.
and they leave you with the impression that you don't deserve to know anyway when you ask, when so much is hinging on if they really are telling the truth or just wishful thinking onn their part.
personly all humans are basicly good people if you look at them from gods point of veiw, he can see beyond our imperfections anyway, so its not like we have to be just right.
How do I find God if I want to find him?
by Singing Man inyes, i have many times asked this of my self.
after leavening the witness's its been hard, i think ewww i am no good cause unless i am attending the kingdom hall i won't have gods grace and he won't hear my prayers or anything.
boy they sure had me, being raised a witness sticks with you long after you leave in ways you think it never would and in ways you just can't can't flush.
Christmass Tis A Grand Time, goodies booze gifts ...
by Singing Man inwell for me i want to find the true resuscitater for my nocturnal activitys.
i have told santa,and i think he will grant me a nice christmass this year if i set out some 12 year old whisky for him.
i also want to fall in love again i think that would be a nice christmass presnt too.
Hello JW spy's !!
by Singing Man inhello jehovah's witness spys who like to see who is posting and speaking their own ideas about what they have learned for most of their life.
and that most of it is caca.
in all seriousness i do think there is spys who do snoop around in this site as well as other ones, and tell the rest of the elders who is being naughty or nice.
If There Really Is A God...
by Singing Man inif there ever is a law suit for hurting disfellowshipped ones i cirtainly want to be part of it.
i was really messed from my disfellowshipping, it was a year and half after a masive head injury.
and they the elders did not do me any good, no matter what i may have done at the time.
I did not go to the one day Assembley!!!
by Singing Man inyes verginia, i did not go to the one day assembly today because of these reasons:
i sang with my friends at a night club till 1:am, and i slept till noon, and just had to set in my sweats and eat hot cakes with sausage gravy along with a cup of coffee.
and because i find surfing the web much more educational and entertaining than setting on hard seats hearing some cone head asking me "what sort of persons ought you to be blah blah" and waiting in lines to go pee and do #2, and i find it much more fun to plop down in front of my tv and watch cable springer eating potato chips and dip.
Yes, ever sense growing a beard
by Singing Man inmy beard is long and black and soft and clean, my family and friends say i look like the pictures of christ in many of witness litature.
but i can say this women sure do come on to me sense i have grown this thing and went back to my mullet hair in the back, umm i wonder why.
Who really belives that there is a Satan
by Singing Man inis there any real evidence that there is a satan and a bunch of nasty demons?
it seems to be implanted on into our hard drives of our minds through the bible and religions litature.. it seems to me if the bible told us the moon was made of swiss cheese and religious litature said pigs could fly most humans would agree at once.
one mans opinion.
Has any Witness prophesies ever came true ?
by Singing Man insurely some of the prophesies came true, my old mom tells me that they all have bless her heart she is 84 and its all she knows.
but i guess if you line up all of them the ones that did not far out number the ones that did.
what do you say to someone who says god directed the witness's in bible prophesies?